As mulheres com EM e as mulheres sem EM têm riscos semelhantes de:
A EM não é transmitida diretamente de pais para filhos, mas as crianças têm uma probabilidade potencialmente maior de vir a ter Esclerose Múltipla se um dos seus familiares mais próximos tiver a doença − probabilidade de 2 a 2,5%, em comparação com 0,1 a 0,3% em crianças sem história familiar de EM. 4,5,6
1 – Coyle PK. Management of women with multiple sclerosis through pregnancy and after childbirth. Ther Adv Neurol Disord 2016;9:198–210
2 – Houtchens MK, Edwards NC, Schneider G, et al. Pregnancy rates and outcomes in women with and without MS in the United States. Neurology 2018;91:e1559–69
3 – MacDonald SC, McElrath TF, Hernandez-Diaz S. Pregnancy outcomes in women with multiple sclerosis. Am J Epidemiol 2019;188:57–66
4 – Coyle PK. Management of women with multiple sclerosis through pregnancy and after childbirth. Ther Adv Neurol Disord 2016;9:198–210
5 – Coyle PK, Oh J, Magyari M, et al. Management strategies for female patients of reproductive potential with multiple sclerosis: an evidence-based review. Mult Scler Relat Disord 2019;32:54–63
6 – Amato MP, Bertolotto A, Brunelli R, et al. Management of pregnancy-related issues in multiple sclerosis patients: the need for an interdisciplinary approach. Neurol Sci 2017;38:1849–58
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